#1 priority - create. Every day. E V E R Y single day.
#2 priority - turn up. Participate fully in the things I have already chosen. Be creative in the promise of something new and untried, with artists I admire and respect.
#3 priority - ditch. End one way transactions disguised as relationships. Excesses, duplicates, recognising when I should know better.
#4 priority - removal from the things that are no longer healthy investments of my love, care and time. Vigilance in the ongoing decluttering process.
#5 priority - self care and respect.
The new year dawned full of promise yet January 1 is only the day after the night of December 31. Not much has changed overnight and yet it has. New year, fresh start as the old year's door quietly shuts. Time to reflect on how to spend these upcoming 52 weeks.
It must be doing what's important with the people who really matter. Perhaps there is truth in Picasso's view that art is chaos taking shape, and removing that which is unnecessary. I'll be reducing the chaos and embracing the new shape in 2023.
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