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Book Review - The Untamed Thread by Fleur Woods

One of those books that almost needs no review or enthusiastic write up - it just is sumptuous, full of texture and inspirational stitch that's as good as chicken soup for the soul. The pages are thoughtful, intentional, about bringing meaning to mark-making and embracing where you find yourself, whereever that is. Fleaur's love of nature  intersects with her strong encouragement to explore, experiment and above all be at one with stitching in the ways of needle, thread, a cup of tea and taking time.  I found more than a 'how to' and more than the superbly photgraphed processes - this is a wonderful free-form meets the joy of being still. I have loved every page, some I pour over again and again to take in the rich, visual texture and find new perspectives every time I revisit. Koa Press is a New Zealand Publisher, and the book can be purchased through Can Do Books .